Some of the first results of the questionnaires came back, and some good points came back.
Fred -
Will -
Luke -
A game that has cropped up alot in the research is relative to my own gaming experience: Street Fighter. Irritatingly addictive, I as well as Will, and Luke spent alot of pocket money in arcades whilst on holiday, especially those camping holidays you get taken on and find a much better alternative safe haven for me to spend my free time, rather than walking round town with your family being extremely bored.
A major personal observation in times recent is that PS1/2, N64, Gamecube, Dreamcast and Xbox are now starting to slip into the 'retro' category since the present era next-gen, the games that were once revered as stand-alone examples of the push into gaming modernity, are now seen as relics. The majority of gamers agree with this, so far.
So I thought I would put up some memorable moments from MGS:2 since they are hilarious, and can relate directly to my target market, with the potential to work with a type as image based solution, using the quotes:
Solid Snake: If you run out of ammo, you can have mine.
Raiden: You got enough?
Solid Snake: [points to his bandanna] Absolutely. Infinite ammo.
Colonel: An anemone or clematis plants juice can cause a rash. When pruning them, its a good idea to wear gloves.
Solid Snake: [recurring line in the series]
[with puzzled amazement]
Solid Snake: Metal Gear?!
Colonel: There's a terminal in front of the elevator, a node.
Raiden: Did you say "nerd"?
Colonel: Not "nerd" - "node."
Colonel Gurlukovich: Land, Friends, dignity, all sold to the highest bidder, The United States Of America!
Gray Fox: A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal! MGS1
Liquid Snake: You've served your purpose. You may die now.
Solid Snake: You know a lot about science, but you don't know how good a cigarette tastes in the morning.
So. Games to develop so far:
- Street Fighter
- Sonic
- Fable