Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Game screens we all scream

Screens from Chouon Senshi Borgman aka cyborg hunter; an SMS game for the Amiga. The way the Bekku suited guys are done similar to 8 bit pixel art would look good for the clothing selection tool, maybe turn it into a sort of 'choose your inventory' style screen. You have to love the terrible names. 
Using the equipment select screen, I will adapt into the website design, the way you select and interact with the choices available. For example, choosing a certain part eg hoodies or t-shirts, will result in the highlighted body part relevant to the chosen product.

  Transbot (also known as Astro Flash) was an early Sega Master System shooter that came on one of those cards. There was actually an arcade version of the title that came out for the System E arcade board, which was essentially a slightly enhanced Master System. While it was also called Astro Flash, it was called Transformer in other regions. Anyway, while it was the predecessor for the Transformers series, it also had alot of the mediocre meritocracy when you completed a level or blew something up, with some of the most blindingly obvious statements that made me play it again and again and again.

Now, Street Fighter for me was indeed a great game to play back when retro was still the only thing available in the 90s, but Street Fighter 2 was much better. New characters, moves and stages made it even more fun. ( I still think Streets of Rage was SO much better)

But its not only the menu I was looking at here, but more for some of the feedback from the crit, using a character select screen for choosing clothes, platforms, etc.
Just in case you didnt know what they looked like I will include a few.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Metal Gear Obvious 2

Some of the first results of the questionnaires came back, and some good points came back. 

Fred - 

Will - 

Luke - 

A game that has cropped up alot in the research is relative to my own gaming experience: Street Fighter. Irritatingly addictive, I as well as Will, and Luke spent alot of pocket money in arcades whilst on holiday, especially those camping holidays you get taken on and find a much better alternative safe haven for me to spend my free time, rather than walking round town with your family being extremely bored.

A major personal observation in times recent is that PS1/2, N64, Gamecube, Dreamcast and Xbox are now starting to slip into the 'retro' category since the present era next-gen, the games that were once revered as stand-alone examples of the push into gaming modernity, are now seen as relics. The majority of gamers agree with this,      so far.

So I thought I would put up some memorable moments from MGS:2 since they are hilarious, and can relate directly to my target market, with the potential to work with a type as image based solution, using the quotes:

Solid Snake: If you run out of ammo, you can have mine.
Raiden: You got enough?
Solid Snake: [points to his bandanna] Absolutely. Infinite ammo. 

Colonel: An anemone or clematis plants juice can cause a rash. When pruning them, its a good idea to wear gloves.  

Solid Snake: [recurring line in the series]
[with puzzled amazement]
Solid Snake: Metal Gear?! 

Colonel: There's a terminal in front of the elevator, a node.
Raiden: Did you say "nerd"?
Colonel: Not "nerd" - "node."

Colonel Gurlukovich: Land, Friends, dignity, all sold to the highest bidder, The United States Of America!

Gray Fox: A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!  MGS1

Liquid Snake: You've served your purpose. You may die now.

Solid Snake: You know a lot about science, but you don't know how good a cigarette tastes in the morning. 

So. Games to develop so far:

- Street Fighter
- Sonic
- Fable

Saturday, 1 May 2010

I Am 8 Bit

I am 8 Bit is an annual group art exhibition hosted in Los Angeles every year since 2005. The show's theme includes 100 artists to reinterpret their favourite old-school video games, through a variety of media, from sculptures, painting, plush and just digital art.
The company has since then flourished off anything video game orientated, from selling prints and installations, to music production, promoting and marketing.

Here are some examples of work, still have to find a comprehensives list of all the artists. The rest of the images can be found on their online gallery, here.

The Boo's are restless - Matthew Smith

Brandon Reese