Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tint or Gradient?

I found these after a recommendation from my dad's girlfriend to check out 44 flavours, a german based company, to see what I thought about the site. The following examples prove that gradients CAN look good despite the common conception that all gradients are bad.
I especially like the hand rendered type which is something I would definitely want to look into more this year as part of my practice, along with the fluidity of the image with the type creates a lovely visual soup to feast your eyes upon. Quench your eyes in the visual audacity!

This is from a book called "Playful Type" which experiments with type. A conglomeration of designers worked on this, that aside, the use of colour on the other pages of the book are very striking, have utilised a variety of processes, from stamping, foiling and just silk-screen printing.

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