Thursday 6 October 2011

Best Weapons

Quick google search gave me plenty of results but for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of my sanity I will start trying to break down the arsenal into maybe 25-30 weapons I can use for illustration then start looking into layouts etc
Sources: UGO, askmen

Hand Cannon - Action Quake 2, Action Half-Life 

Farsight - Perfect Dark Series

Railgun - Quake 2

Super Shotgun - Doom 2

Rocket Launcher - Quake

Glass Shard - Manhunt

Ice Beam - Metroid

Soul Edge - Soul Calibur Series

The Boomerang - The Legend of Zelda

Shrink Ray - Duke Nukem 3D

Fat Man - Fallout 3

Energy Sword - Halo 2

Lightsaber - Jedi Knight

RCP90 - GoldenEye

Red Turtle Shell - Mario Kart

Crowbar - Half-Life Series

BFG 9000 - Doom

Blue spiked shell mario

Master Sword


M1 Garand

The drill - bioshock

Blades of Chaos // God of War

Right, until I get the emails back from everyone else I emailed, I can spend tonight cross-referencing then getting started on them!

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