Saturday 1 October 2011

Games Aid

Just thought I would put a little post on Games Aid, as I am considering getting rid of the Zelda Brief I proposed in my original design strategy presentation. Not just because I found out that the anniversary of Zelda was earlier this year so I wont be able to join in with the hardcore fans appropriately. Also a Zelda marathon was had in aid of children with disabilities so it has kind of put a dampener on my orginal idea.
I do think however that designing for this charity is worthwhile, not only are they raising money to better the lives of children all over the UK. 
In their own words -

"Funds will predominantly be used to support children's charities in the UK, with limited application for overseas causes; for education, health, housing and social welfare. Funds may also be deployed for career guidance and sport. Where possible, there will be some form of technology/interactive play element, but that is not a funding stipulation." 

Widely recognised and renowned by other charities in the UK, I think it is a great way to encourage what is perceived as a legion of lazy gamers to get together, do what they enjoy to help other kids have a much better life at the expense of some blue light exposure on our part.

Plus I can see myself having a great time organising this, getting everyone together and having all my friends and whoever else I can convince to take part and do something good for some else, AND have fun.

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